Meditation...of sorts - My first silent retreat

Meditating or nap? We may never know. (Photo by yischon)
I wrote this while on my first silent retreat. I had done a little meditating for a few minutes at a time, but this was different. It was only for an evening, but different. One of my Quaker friends invited me and I am forever thankful because I'm so used to having noise all the time in the background -- TV, music, even a fan -- something to keep my thoughts at bay. I learned that spending time with myself, in quiet peace, is a good thing, even though it may not always turn out as expected. And I may never finish that rug canvas, but I did start it.

Meditation...of sorts My first silent retreat
Only a few hours.
I concentrate on actually breathing
Something I tend to forget to do
Must be why I sigh and yawn a lot.
Trying to focus on breathing in the pain, breathing out relief
I am successful...for a while
But the mind wanders to various subjects.
That unexpectedly found rug canvas
What will I create with that and stitchy stuff?
Should I apply for that job?
I said I wouldn't go back, but circumstances are different.
Am I a failure if I do? Am I going backward?
Oh yeah, focus on breathing
Try to let those thoughts float by like clouds.
Hmmmm, I can use leftover yarn on that canvas
Create layers on top of it.
Then figure out how to give it a backing
Make it into a wall hanging.
Get it together!
Focus on breathing!
Oooh, and I can add beads and buttons
Some metallic threads
Crochet little things to add on top
Maybe a little crazy quilting...
Finally, I decide that is enough meditating
Move on to working on my crochet project in silence.
My so-called meditation could have been 10 minutes or 30, I don't know.
I do know that it did help me to just be still in the silence.
I also know I will have fun on that rug project. 


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